Every step we take upon the earth is a heartbeat of intention. Yesterday I took 10,000 steps to push back the enemies of Mother Earth. And there were 400,000 other climate change marchers in New York City who echoed those 10,000 steps to push back the financiers and politicians who animate the frackers, excavators, and other violators of the sacred trust we have to protect the waters air and land of planet earth.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had invited world leaders in government, finance, business and civic affairs to New York to identify climate solutions and mobilize the political will to strengthen climate resilience. I believe the uninvited 400,000 marchers are the best representation of climate resilience because resilience must be created and controlled locally. I agree with one banner that read, “The only secure community is an organized community”.
When my marching companion set her pedometer upon entering the subway, little did she know she was marking the significance of a movement. This Sunday four million steps not only put world leaders on notice, it also sent 4 million prayers of love straight into Mother Earth. We let her know we are working to stop destruction of this home we have been given. My fellow banner carriers remixed John Lennon’s anti war message by singing “All we are saying is give Earth a chance”.
Testimonies at the U.N. this week are bringing forth the many affordable and scalable solutions that will lead to a cleaner world and more resilient economy. We are not under any illusion that the forces ravaging Mother Earth are going to stop just because we marched. The significance of the march is to bolster our own confidence and strengthen our networks. Four million steps says WE CAN DO THIS! We can use natural technology to clean our water systems, cool our neighborhoods and secure neighborhood food systems.
“Good planets are hard to find, let’s try to keep this one” is not only a cute slogan; it reinforces our Creator’s instructions to love the Earth we are with.
Rev. Dele is available to brief pastor’s associations in climate resilience, share eco-theology at church conferences and conduct environmental stewardship workshops for youth and adults. Please email revdele@naturesfriends.coop for further information and to make arrangements.