The word Advent means arrival or coming of something very important.
What I see coming is an important rejoining of Jesus and Earth Mother for a harmonious and abundant planet…
Our Creator infused breath into soil to animate the human soul. When you separate breath/spirit from the body it ceases to function. Likewise dysfunction in human society occurs when we attempt to separate spirit from matter and sacred from secular.
Separation ideologies became popular in Europe around the 1500’s, as colonists proceeded to separate matter from spirit so they could determine what mattered and whose lives mattered. They then pitched these ideas around the world. Let’s reverse this settler colonial pitch deck to reclaim the unity, harmony and abundance which undergirds peace.
“I’m a She” the quiet voice said when I asked for clarity about the relationship between Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. Quiet contentment spread throughout my 9 year old being. That one phrase, that word of knowledge continues to reveal Mother God–Mother Nature–Lady Wisdom as an important member of our “Beloved Community” even as I walk through the hallowed halls of theology.
I see Creator and Earth blending sacred masculine and divine feminine for the magical moments we all experience in nature. When our breath stops for that moment of awesome oneness all of creation is there. I believe Creator is teasing us to use our free will to create more of that moment.
Likewise, Jesus/Yeshua ben Yosef filled his teachings with sayings from Earth Mother. He said we would know a tree by the fruit it bears. The text joins Christ with Mother Earth and so should we. Cultivating fruitfulness is just as important in society as it is in the orchard.
Just like a barren fig tree was shut down, our barren institutions are also being shut down so there is room for institutions that support natural diversity and abundance. After grieving the loss of things humans have created, we can celebrate new paradigms of abundance, sharing and caring that will support heaven on earth. “Weeping may endure for the night, but JOY comes in the morning.” Let’s keep waking up and change our perceptions so we cling to oneness in nature’s abundance and release oneness with systems that don’t work.
I believe that walking on water in a storm is easy when you are one with the wind. Let’s become one with the winds of change that call for diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of our social, economic and political well being.
We too make “wine from water” when we are one with the essence of our desires. Humans have designed and built awesome structures across the globe. The next step is to purify our souls so that our desires and the resulting structures maintain the abundance and harmony of our Creation.
I write this article to remind us that our ideologies, economic and political systems are a part of nature. My course, Coming Home to Nature helps us do that on a very personal level. Join our next online session December 18th 2-5pm!
Everything we think, feel and do impacts the Creation we live in. We are living in a time of miraculous shifts throughout all of creation that of course includes human crafted spaces.
As we shift our perceptions to re-member humans are also Nature, we will shift into the unity consciousness Christ tried to teach us. Our minds will no longer hold Christ at odds with Earth Mother. Earthkeepers, Animists, Christians will no longer be at odds with one another. As we shift, we will allow the sacredness of Earth to be expressed throughout our political, economic and social realms. As we re-member Jesus and Earth Mother, we reclaim our natural essence of Joy. This is the meaning of Advent for me and I welcome others who are waiting for the same…