During the Hampton Minister’s Conference I had the opportunity to have a faith chat with EPA administrator, Gina McCarthy. I was lamenting that one Virginia senator seems to be leading with fear. He seems fearful that coal plants can’t earn profits without destroying the health of our children. He also seems fearful that carbon pollution rules will cripple the profits of coal companies. With a grin, Gina McCarthy replied, “Let me work on him a little more”. She identified herself as a woman of faith and expressed faith in American innovation. She has faith we can reduce reliance on fossil fuels if we stop being so short-sighted and use our God given talents to produce Earth friendly energy we can afford

Fossil fuel companies remind me of the shortsightedness of Esau (Genesis 25:30-34). Esau’s birthright included having all that was necessary for lifelong security. He was the priestly and legal representative for the family, as well as being the steward of his family’s financial wealth. And yet, Esau seemed out of touch with lifelong security and only in touch with immediate comfort. For one meal, he sold everything God had given him and his future generations. Today the fossil fuels industry seems to have an Esau complex. They seek to forfeit our children’s clean skies, pure water and biodiversity for “one meal” which line the pockets of a privileged few. Fortunately, our president, Barack Obama and our EPA administrator, Gina McCarthy have enough faith to take another path which will protect our earthly assets for our children and grandchildren. We all have this covenant with God. May we all rise to fulfill it.